Darwin Tree of Life

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The Darwin Tree of Life project (DToL) aims to exploit long read technologies to sequence the genomes of all 60,000 species of eukaryotic organisms in Britain and Ireland. It is a collaboration between biodiversity, genomics and analysis partners that hopes to transform the way we do biology, conservation and biotechnology.

Darwin Tree of Life is a consortium of partners who will build and prove an end-to-end pipeline of sample collection, sequencing, genome assembly, annotation and data dissemination that can deliver this visionary project.

The consortium partners are currently calling on the community for input into which species should be prioritised for sequencing. You can offer suggestions here.

Ensembl is a partner in the Darwin Tree of Life project, and we annotate the protein-coding and non-coding RNA gene structures using re-engineered versions of our Gene Annotation System (Aken et al, 2017) optimised for vertebrates and for non-vertebrates. When a species lacks transrciptomic data, we run BRAKER2 to generate hint-guided ab initio gene predictions of protein-coding genes, in the default protein mode (see the blog post for more information). After QC, genomes and annotations are made available via our FTP site (see table below) before subsequently being made available in the Ensembl Genome Browser.

Image Species Accession Annotation method Annotation Proteins Transcripts Softmasked genome Repeat library Other data View in browser BUSCO completeness Alternate haplotype
Abrostola tripartita GCA_905340225.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Abrostola triplasia GCA_946251915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale GCA_930367205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acentria ephemerella GCA_943193645.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Acer campestre GCA_954870605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Achlya flavicornis GCA_947623365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acleris cristana GCA_948252455.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acleris emargana GCA_927399475.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Acleris literana GCA_946894065.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Acleris sparsana GCA_923062465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Acrobasis consociella GCA_963555685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Acrobasis repandana GCA_963576875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Acrobasis suavella GCA_943193695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Acrocera orbiculus GCA_947359355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acronicta aceris GCA_910591435.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acronicta leporina GCA_947256265.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Acronicta psi GCA_946251955.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Adalia bipunctata GCA_910592335.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Adalia decempunctata GCA_951802165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Aelia acuminata GCA_911387785.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Agapetus fuscipes GCA_951799405.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Agonopterix subpropinquella GCA_922987775.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrilus biguttatus GCA_963921985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Agriopis aurantiaria GCA_914767915.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriopis leucophaearia GCA_949125355.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriopis marginaria GCA_932305915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriphila geniculea GCA_927399405.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriphila geniculea GCA_943789525.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriphila straminella GCA_950108535.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agriphila tristella GCA_928269145.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrochola circellaris GCA_914767755.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrochola litura GCA_949152395.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Agrochola lota GCA_947364205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrochola macilenta GCA_916701695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrostemma githago GCA_958450325.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Agrotis clavis GCA_954870645.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Agrotis exclamationis GCA_950005045.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Agrotis puta GCA_943136025.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Agrypnus murinus GCA_929113105.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ajuga chamaepitys GCA_958295605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Alcis repandata GCA_949125135.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Aleiodes testaceus GCA_963565655.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Alentia gelatinosa GCA_950022655.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Allophyes oxyacanthae GCA_932294325.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Alnus glutinosa GCA_958979055.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Alsophila aescularia GCA_946251855.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Altica lythri GCA_964028335.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Amblyjoppa fuscipennis GCA_963575735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Amblyjoppa proteus GCA_963922035.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Amblyteles armatorius GCA_933228735.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Amphimallon solstitiale GCA_963170755.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Amphipoea lucens GCA_947508005.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Amphipoea oculea GCA_945859645.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Amphipyra berbera GCA_910594945.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Amphipyra tragopoginis GCA_905220435.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Anania crocealis GCA_949315895.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Anania fuscalis GCA_950371115.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Anania hortulata GCA_963576865.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Anarsia innoxiella GCA_947563765.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Anaspis maculata GCA_949128115.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ancistrocerus nigricornis GCA_916049575.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena bucephala GCA_947577245.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Andrena chrysosceles GCA_963855975.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena dorsata GCA_929108735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena fulva GCA_946251845.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Andrena haemorrhoa GCA_910592295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena hattorfiana GCA_944738655.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Andrena minutula GCA_929113495.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena trimmerana GCA_951215215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Andrena trimmerana GCA_952773225.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Anomoia purmunda GCA_951828415.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Anoplius nigerrimus GCA_914767735.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Anorthoa munda GCA_945859665.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Antedon bifida GCA_963402885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Anthocharis cardamines GCA_905404175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Anthophora plumipes GCA_951804975.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Anticlea derivata GCA_947579855.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Antitype chi GCA_947359405.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apamea anceps GCA_951799955.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Apamea crenata GCA_949629185.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apamea epomidion GCA_947507525.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apamea monoglypha GCA_911387795.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apamea sordens GCA_945859715.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apeira syringaria GCA_934044485.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Aphidecta obliterata GCA_963966015.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Aphrophora alni GCA_963513935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Aplocera efformata GCA_921293045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apocheima hispidaria GCA_947579745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apoda limacodes GCA_946406115.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Apoderus coryli GCA_911728435.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Apomyelois bistriatella GCA_947044815.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Aporia crataegi GCA_912999735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Aporophyla lueneburgensis GCA_932294355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Aporophyla nigra GCA_947507805.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Apotomis betuletana GCA_932273695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apotomis capreana GCA_947623375.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Apotomis turbidana GCA_905147355.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Aproaerema taeniolella GCA_949987775.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Archips crataeganus GCA_947859365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Archips xylosteana GCA_947563465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Arctium minus GCA_954870635.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Arcuatula senhousia GCA_963971305.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Arenicola marina GCA_964019135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Argyresthia goedartella GCA_949825045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Aricia agestis GCA_905147365.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Aricia agestis GCA_944452695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Aricia artaxerxes GCA_937612035.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Arvicola amphibius GCA_903992535.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Asterias rubens GCA_902459465.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Atethmia centrago GCA_905333075.3 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Athalia rosae GCA_917208135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Athrips mouffetella GCA_947532105.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Athripsodes cinereus GCA_947579605.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Autographa gamma GCA_905146925.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Autographa pulchrina GCA_905475315.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Baccha elongata GCA_951217065.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Balanococcus diminutus GCA_959613365.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ballota nigra GCA_947034835.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Barbarea vulgaris GCA_963667165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bedellia somnulentella GCA_963576735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bellardia bayeri GCA_950370525.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bellardia pandia GCA_916048285.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bembecia ichneumoniformis GCA_910589475.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Beris chalybata GCA_949128065.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Beris morrisii GCA_951812415.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bibio marci GCA_910594885.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Bicyclus anynana GCA_947172395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Biomphalaria glabrata GCA_947242115.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Biston betularia GCA_905404145.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Biston stratarius GCA_950106695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Blastobasis adustella GCA_907269095.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Blastobasis lacticolella GCA_905147135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Blera fallax GCA_946965025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Boloria euphrosyne GCA_951802675.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Boloria selene GCA_905231865.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bombus campestris GCA_905333015.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bombus hortorum GCA_905332935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bombus hypnorum GCA_911387925.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bombus muscorum GCA_963971185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bombus pascuorum GCA_905332965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Bombus pratorum GCA_930367275.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Bombus sylvestris GCA_911622165.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bombus terrestris GCA_910591885.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Bombus vestalis GCA_963556215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bombylius discolor GCA_939192795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Bombylius major GCA_932526495.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Brachylomia viminalis GCA_937001585.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Brachyopa scutellaris GCA_949775065.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Brachypalpus laphriformis GCA_945910035.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Brachyptera putata GCA_907164805.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Brachyptera risi GCA_964007535.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Brachypterus glaber GCA_958510825.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bromus sterilis GCA_950022295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bruchidius siliquastri GCA_949316355.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Buathra laborator GCA_934046635.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Bufo bufo GCA_905171765.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Bugula neritina GCA_964035545.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Bugulina stolonifera GCA_935421135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cabera pusaria GCA_954871355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Calamotropha paludella GCA_927399485.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Calendula officinalis GCA_963853835.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Callimorpha dominula GCA_949752705.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Calliopum simillimum GCA_951812925.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Calliphora vicina GCA_958450345.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Calliphora vomitoria GCA_942486065.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Campaea margaritaria GCA_912999815.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Camptogramma bilineatum GCA_958496255.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Candelabrum cocksii GCA_963930725.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Canis lupus GCA_905319855.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cantharis flavilabris GCA_949152465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cantharis lateralis GCA_963170105.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cantharis nigra GCA_958510845.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cantharis rufa GCA_947369205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cantharis rustica GCA_911387805.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Carabus problematicus GCA_963422195.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Caradrina clavipalpis GCA_932526535.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Caradrina kadenii GCA_947462355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Carcina quercana GCA_910589575.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cardamine flexuosa GCA_963555745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Carpatolechia fugitivella GCA_951230895.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Carterocephalus palaemon GCA_944567765.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cataclysta lemnata GCA_963931975.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Catocala fraxini GCA_930367265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Catocala nupta GCA_963675205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Catocala sponsa GCA_963564715.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Catoptria pinella GCA_963556745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Celastrina argiolus GCA_905187575.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ceramica pisi GCA_963859965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cerastis leucographa GCA_963082945.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cerastis rubricosa GCA_949152445.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cerastoderma edule GCA_963989375.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ceratothoa steindachneri GCA_963969495.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cerceris rybyensis GCA_910591515.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cervus elaphus GCA_910594005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cetonia aurata GCA_949128085.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Chalcosyrphus nemorum GCA_949716465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Chamaenerion angustifolium GCA_946814005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Charanyca ferruginea GCA_947361185.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cheilosia grossa GCA_963082955.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cheilosia impressa GCA_948293265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cheilosia soror GCA_948107745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cheilosia soror GCA_949372485.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cheilosia urbana GCA_946477585.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cheilosia variabilis GCA_951230905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cheilosia vernalis GCA_949126925.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cheilosia vulpina GCA_916610125.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Chenopodium album GCA_948465745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chesias legatella GCA_947359385.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Chironomus tentans GCA_963573255.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chloroclysta siterata GCA_932294275.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Choreutis nemorana GCA_949316135.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Chorisops tibialis GCA_963669355.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chrysolina haemoptera GCA_958298965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chrysolina oricalcia GCA_944452925.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chrysoperla carnea GCA_905475395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Chrysopilus asiliformis GCA_964034945.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Chrysoteuchia culmella GCA_910589605.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Chrysotoxum bicinctum GCA_911387755.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Chymomyza fuscimana GCA_949987675.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cistogaster globosa GCA_937654795.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Clistopyga incitator GCA_947507545.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cloeon dipterum GCA_949628265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Clostera curtula GCA_905475355.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Clusia tigrina GCA_920105625.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Coccinella septempunctata GCA_907165205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Coleophora deauratella GCA_958295455.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Colias croceus GCA_905220415.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Colostygia pectinataria GCA_951394395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Comarum palustre GCA_951800085.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Conistra vaccinii GCA_948150665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Conops quadrifasciatus GCA_949752815.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Coremacera marginata GCA_914767935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cosmia pyralina GCA_946251885.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cosmia trapezina GCA_905163495.3 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Crambus lathoniellus GCA_949710035.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Craniophora ligustri GCA_905163465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Crataerina pallida GCA_949710015.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Crepidodera aurea GCA_949320105.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Crioceris asparagi GCA_958507055.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Criorhina berberina GCA_917880715.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Criorhina ranunculi GCA_951813785.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Crocallis elinguaria GCA_907269065.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cryptocephalus moraei GCA_946251905.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cryptocephalus primarius GCA_963576515.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cryptosula pallasiana GCA_945261195.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cryptus armator GCA_963971235.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ctenicera cuprea GCA_958336395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cyaniris semiargus GCA_905187585.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cybosia mesomella GCA_946251805.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Cyclophora albipunctata GCA_963082685.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cyclophora punctaria GCA_951394245.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cydalima perspectalis GCA_951394215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cydia amplana GCA_948474715.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cydia fagiglandana GCA_963556715.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Cydia splendana GCA_910591565.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Cydia strobilella GCA_947568885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Dascillus cervinus GCA_949768715.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dasysyrphus albostriatus GCA_946251815.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Dasysyrphus tricinctus GCA_963921185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Deilephila elpenor GCA_949752805.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Deilephila porcellus GCA_905220455.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dendrolimus pini GCA_949752895.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Diachrysia chrysitis GCA_932294365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Diadumene lineata GCA_918843875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Diaperis boleti GCA_963583935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Diaphora mendica GCA_949125395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Diarsia brunnea GCA_949774965.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Diarsia dahlii GCA_949775195.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Diarsia mendica GCA_949316265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Diarsia rubi GCA_932274075.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Dichetophora obliterata GCA_963920525.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dicycla oo GCA_948252095.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dicyrtomina minuta GCA_949802685.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Diloba caeruleocephala GCA_947459985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dilophus febrilis GCA_958336335.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dioctria linearis GCA_963930735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dioctria rufipes GCA_963924295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dolichopus griseipennis GCA_963082915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dolichovespula media GCA_911387685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dolichovespula saxonica GCA_911387935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dolichovespula sylvestris GCA_918808275.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dorcus parallelipipedus GCA_958336345.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Drepana falcataria GCA_945859725.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Drepanosiphum platanoidis GCA_948098885.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Drosophila histrio GCA_958299025.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Drosophila obscura GCA_964023925.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Drosophila phalerata GCA_951394115.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Drymonia ruficornis GCA_947859195.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Dryobota labecula GCA_947523025.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Dryobotodes eremita GCA_917490735.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Dyspetes luteomarginatus GCA_963669185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ecdyonurus torrentis GCA_949318235.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ecliptopera silaceata GCA_932527185.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ectemnius cavifrons GCA_964023945.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ectemnius continuus GCA_910591665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ectemnius lituratus GCA_910593735.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ectropis crepuscularia GCA_963693475.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eilema caniola GCA_949126895.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eilema depressum GCA_914767945.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eilema griseolum GCA_963662185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eilema sororculum GCA_914829495.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Electrophaes corylata GCA_947095575.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eledona agricola GCA_964023215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Elegia similella GCA_947532085.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Elmis aenea GCA_947652605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Elophila nymphaeata GCA_955850985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Emmelina monodactyla GCA_916618145.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Empis stercorea GCA_949752835.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Endomychus coccineus GCA_958510875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Endotricha flammealis GCA_905163395.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ennomos erosarius GCA_963580505.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ennomos fuscantarius GCA_905220475.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ennomos quercinarius GCA_910589525.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Epicampocera succincta GCA_932526305.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Epinotia bilunana GCA_947049275.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Epinotia brunnichana GCA_963854355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Epinotia demarniana GCA_945867215.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Epinotia nisella GCA_932294315.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Epinotia ramella GCA_947578815.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Epirrhoe alternata GCA_963565295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Epirrhoe tristata GCA_951394285.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Epirrita christyi GCA_951392215.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Epistrophe grossulariae GCA_929447395.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Episyrphus balteatus GCA_945859705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Erannis defoliaria GCA_905404285.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Erebia aethiops GCA_923060345.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Erebia ligea GCA_917051295.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eremobia ochroleuca GCA_949629135.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eristalinus sepulchralis GCA_944738645.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eristalis arbustorum GCA_916610145.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eristalis intricaria GCA_964034865.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eristalis pertinax GCA_907269125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eristalis tenax GCA_905231855.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Erpobdella octoculata GCA_963978895.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Erynnis tages GCA_905147235.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Esperia sulphurella GCA_947086405.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Euclidia mi GCA_944739405.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eudemis profundana GCA_947034925.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eudonia lacustrata GCA_947562085.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eudonia mercurella GCA_963082485.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eugnorisma glareosa GCA_947578425.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eulithis prunata GCA_918843925.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eulithis testata GCA_947507515.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupeodes corollae GCA_945859685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eupeodes latifasciatus GCA_920104205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eupeodes luniger GCA_951509635.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Euphorbia lathyris GCA_963576675.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia abbreviata GCA_943735965.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia centaureata GCA_944547425.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia dodoneata GCA_947044415.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupithecia exiguata GCA_947086465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia insigniata GCA_947859395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupithecia inturbata GCA_963662085.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia subfuscata GCA_963564075.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eupithecia subumbrata GCA_949316285.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupithecia tripunctaria GCA_955876795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupithecia vulgata GCA_946478455.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Euplexia lucipara GCA_921972225.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Euproctis similis GCA_905147225.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Eupsilia transversa GCA_914767815.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eurois occulta GCA_950022335.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Euspilapteryx auroguttella GCA_951802225.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Eustalomyia histrio GCA_949748255.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Eutolmus rufibarbis GCA_963920795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Euzophera pinguis GCA_947363495.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Exephanes ischioxanthus GCA_958510785.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Fabriciana adippe GCA_905404265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Falcaria lacertinaria GCA_951449985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ferdinandea cuprea GCA_963576555.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Fissipunctia ypsillon GCA_947568875.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Furcula furcula GCA_911728495.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Galeopsis tetrahit GCA_963675135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Galeruca laticollis GCA_963921935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Galleria mellonella GCA_958496185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Gandaritis pyraliata GCA_947859175.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Gari tellinella GCA_922989275.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Gasteruption jaculator GCA_949825005.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Geotrupes spiniger GCA_959613385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Germaria angustata GCA_963681545.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Gerris lacustris GCA_951217055.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Geum urbanum GCA_946800695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Gibbula magus GCA_936450465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Glaucopsyche alexis GCA_905404095.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Globia sparganii GCA_949316385.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Glyphotaelius pellucidus GCA_936435175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Gonocerus acuteangulatus GCA_946811695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Griposia aprilina GCA_916610205.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Gymnocheta viridis GCA_956483585.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Gymnoscelis rufifasciata GCA_929108375.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Gymnosoma rotundatum GCA_916610165.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Habrosyne pyritoides GCA_907165245.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Haliclystus octoradiatus GCA_916610825.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Halyzia sedecimguttata GCA_937662695.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Harmonia axyridis GCA_914767665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Harpalus rubripes GCA_963082715.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Harpalus rufipes GCA_951394225.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Hecatera dysodea GCA_905332915.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hedera helix GCA_947179155.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Hedya salicella GCA_905404275.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Heliothis peltigera GCA_958496145.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hemaris fuciformis GCA_907164795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hemicrepidius niger GCA_963082805.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hemistola chrysoprasaria GCA_947063395.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hemithea aestivaria GCA_947507615.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hermaeophaga mercurialis GCA_951812935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Herminia tarsipennalis GCA_945859575.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hesperia comma GCA_905404135.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Heteromyza rotundicornis GCA_951394025.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hipparchia semele GCA_933228805.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hirtodrosophila cameraria GCA_949708635.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hofmannophila pseudospretella GCA_947369225.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hoplodrina ambigua GCA_949774945.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Hoplodrina blanda GCA_949316365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Humulus lupulus GCA_963169125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Hydraecia micacea GCA_914767645.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hydriomena furcata GCA_912999785.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hydrotaea cyrtoneurina GCA_958296145.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Hylaea fasciaria GCA_905147375.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hypena proboscidalis GCA_905147285.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hyperoplus immaculatus GCA_949357725.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Hypomecis punctinalis GCA_949316475.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Hyppa rectilinea GCA_951799385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Hypsopygia costalis GCA_937001555.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ichneumon xanthorius GCA_917499995.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Idaea aversata GCA_907269075.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Idaea biselata GCA_958496205.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Idaea dimidiata GCA_949358125.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Idaea straminata GCA_951213275.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Impatiens glandulifera GCA_907164915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Inachis io GCA_905147045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Incurvaria masculella GCA_946894095.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ischnura elegans GCA_921293095.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ischnus inquisitorius GCA_963924025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Itoplectis maculator GCA_964034905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Juncus effusus GCA_946800655.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Labia minor GCA_963082975.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lacanobia wlatinum GCA_947578705.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lagria hirta GCA_947359425.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lampropteryx suffumata GCA_948098915.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Laothoe populi GCA_905220505.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lasioglossum lativentre GCA_916610255.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lasioglossum morio GCA_916610235.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lasioglossum pauxillum GCA_933228785.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lasiommata megera GCA_928268935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Laspeyria flexula GCA_905147015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lathronympha strigana GCA_949128165.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Leistus spinibarbis GCA_933228885.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lepeophtheirus nordmannii GCA_963680855.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lepidium didymum GCA_963920545.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lepidochitona cinerea GCA_963971465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Leptidea sinapis GCA_905404315.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Leptogaster cylindrica GCA_963082835.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Leptura quadrifasciata GCA_963675555.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Leucania comma GCA_958295575.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Leucoma salicis GCA_948253155.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Leucophora obtusa GCA_949987735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Leucozona laternaria GCA_932273885.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ligdia adustata GCA_947049295.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ligustrum vulgare GCA_963555705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Limenitis camilla GCA_905147385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Limnephilus lunatus GCA_917563855.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Limnephilus marmoratus GCA_917880885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Limnephilus rhombicus GCA_929108145.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Linaria vulgaris GCA_948329865.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lineus longissimus GCA_910592395.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Linnaemya tessellans GCA_951800035.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Linnaemya vulpina GCA_963675445.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lithophane leautieri GCA_949152455.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lithophane ornitopus GCA_948473465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lithophane semibrunnea GCA_947363905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lithophane socia GCA_947522985.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lobophora halterata GCA_932526365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lochmaea capreae GCA_949126875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lochmaea crataegi GCA_947563755.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lomographa bimaculata GCA_948107665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lordithon lunulatus GCA_963942505.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Luffia ferchaultella GCA_949709985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lumbricus rubellus GCA_945859605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lumbricus terrestris GCA_949752735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Luperina nickerlii GCA_963855955.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Luperina testacea GCA_927399505.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lutra lutra GCA_902655055.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lycaena phlaeas GCA_905333005.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lycia hirtaria GCA_947563715.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lycophotia porphyrea GCA_950005105.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lymantria dispar GCA_963576585.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Lymantria monacha GCA_905163515.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Lysandra bellargus GCA_905333045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Lysandra coridon GCA_905220515.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Macaria notata GCA_927399415.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Machimus atricapillus GCA_933228815.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Machimus rusticus GCA_951509405.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Macrophya alboannulata GCA_949628255.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Macropis europaea GCA_916610135.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Magallana gigas GCA_963853765.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Magelona johnstoni GCA_963942565.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Malachius bipustulatus GCA_910589415.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Malthinus flaveolus GCA_950108345.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Malus domestica GCA_916615275.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Malus sylvestris GCA_916048215.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Mamestra brassicae GCA_905163435.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Maniola hyperantus GCA_902806685.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Maniola jurtina GCA_905333055.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Marasmarcha lunaedactyla GCA_923062675.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mecyna flavalis GCA_949319885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Medicago arabica GCA_946800305.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Medicago lupulina GCA_958299785.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Megachile leachella GCA_963576845.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Megachile ligniseca GCA_945859555.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Megachile willughbiella GCA_945859595.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Meganola albula GCA_936450015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Melanargia galathea GCA_920104075.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Melanchra persicariae GCA_947386135.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Melangyna quadrimaculata GCA_949320155.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Melanophora roralis GCA_963583895.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Melanostoma mellinum GCA_914767635.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Melanostoma scalare GCA_949752695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Melanotus villosus GCA_963082815.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Meles meles GCA_922984935.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Melieria crassipennis GCA_963668005.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Melinopterus prodromus GCA_964023965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Meliscaeva auricollis GCA_948107695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Melitaea cinxia GCA_905220565.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mellicta athalia GCA_905220545.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Melolontha melolontha GCA_935421215.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Membranipora membranacea GCA_914767715.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Mercurialis annua GCA_937616625.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Merodon equestris GCA_958301585.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Merzomyia westermanni GCA_949987695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mesoligia furuncula GCA_916614155.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Metellina segmentata GCA_947359465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Metopia argyrocephala GCA_963576795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Metridium senile GCA_949775045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Microchrysa polita GCA_949715475.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Microdon myrmicae GCA_963931805.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Micropterix aruncella GCA_944548615.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Miltochrista miniata GCA_933228765.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mimachlamys varia GCA_947623455.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mimas tiliae GCA_905332985.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Misopates orontium GCA_946800315.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Monopis laevigella GCA_947359445.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Monopis laevigella GCA_947458855.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Muscina levida GCA_964034835.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Musotima nitidalis GCA_949126915.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Myathropa florea GCA_930367185.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Myopa tessellatipennis GCA_943737955.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Myopa testacea GCA_949629155.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Myrrha octodecimguttata GCA_958510865.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Mythimna albipuncta GCA_929112965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mythimna ferrago GCA_910589285.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Mythimna impura GCA_905147345.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Mythimna lalbum GCA_949319445.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Mythimna pallens GCA_961205895.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Mythimna vitellina GCA_949316375.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Mytilus edulis GCA_963676685.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nasturtium officinale GCA_963854855.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nebria brevicollis GCA_944738965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nebria salina GCA_944039245.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nematopogon swammerdamellus GCA_946902875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Neoascia interrupta GCA_947623515.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Neocrepidodera transversa GCA_963243735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Neoitamus cyanurus GCA_947538895.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nephrocerus scutellatus GCA_947095585.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nephrotoma appendiculata GCA_947310385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nephrotoma flavescens GCA_932526605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Neria commutata GCA_963457695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Netelia thomsonii GCA_964017225.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Netelia virgata GCA_951802705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nicrophorus investigator GCA_963457615.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nineta flava GCA_963920215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Noctua comes GCA_963082995.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Noctua fimbriata GCA_905163415.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Noctua janthe GCA_910589295.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Noctua janthina GCA_963576755.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Noctua pronuba GCA_905220335.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada fabriciana GCA_907165295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada ferruginata GCA_963583965.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada flava GCA_951802745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada fucata GCA_948146005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nomada hirtipes GCA_951802735.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada lathburiana GCA_963667235.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada panzeri GCA_951802685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nomada ruficornis GCA_951802695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Notocelia uddmanniana GCA_905163555.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Notodonta dromedarius GCA_905147325.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Notodonta ziczac GCA_918843915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nowickia ferox GCA_936439885.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Nycteola revayana GCA_947037095.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Nymphalis polychloros GCA_905220585.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nymphalis urticae GCA_905147175.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nymphula nitidulata GCA_947347705.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Nysson spinosus GCA_910591585.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ochlodes sylvanus GCA_905404295.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ochropacha duplaris GCA_951361185.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ochropleura leucogaster GCA_958449745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ochropleura plecta GCA_905475445.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ocypus olens GCA_910593695.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Odiellus spinosus GCA_963920705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Oegoconia quadripuncta GCA_949316235.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Oligia fasciuncula GCA_963082905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Oligia latruncula GCA_948474745.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Oligia strigilis GCA_951800025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Omphaloscelis lunosa GCA_916610215.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Onchidella celtica GCA_963931925.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Operophtera brumata GCA_932527175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ophion ellenae GCA_963210295.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ophion slaviceki GCA_944452715.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Ophonus ardosiacus GCA_943142095.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Opisthograptis luteolata GCA_931315375.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Orcinus orca GCA_937001465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Orgyia antiqua GCA_916999025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Orthonevra nobilis GCA_963555765.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Orthosia gothica GCA_949775005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Orthosia gracilis GCA_947562075.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Orthosia incerta GCA_948252205.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Osmia bicornis bicornis GCA_907164935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Ostrinia nubilalis GCA_963855985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Oxystoma pomonae GCA_963921995.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pammene aurita GCA_947086415.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pammene fasciana GCA_911728535.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pandemis cinnamomeana GCA_932294345.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pandemis corylana GCA_949127965.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pandemis heparana GCA_963854515.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Panorpa germanica GCA_963678705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Panzeria rudis GCA_956483635.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Papilio machaon GCA_912999745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Parapoynx stratiotata GCA_910589355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pararge aegeria GCA_905163445.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Parascotia fuliginaria GCA_963082885.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Parietaria judaica GCA_954871525.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pasiphila rectangulata GCA_963082625.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Patella depressa GCA_948474765.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Patella pellucida GCA_917208275.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Patella ulyssiponensis GCA_963678685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pecten maximus GCA_902652985.1 Import GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pedicia rivosa GCA_963082725.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pegoplata infirma GCA_963921195.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pemphredon lugubris GCA_933228935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Peribatodes rhomboidaria GCA_911728515.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Periphyllus acericola GCA_949715065.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Perizoma affinitatum GCA_961405105.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Perizoma flavofasciatum GCA_958496245.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Petrophora chlorosata GCA_951640565.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Phalacrocorax aristotelis GCA_949628215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Phalera bucephala GCA_905147815.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Phasia obesa GCA_949628195.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pheosia gnoma GCA_905404115.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pheosia tremula GCA_905333125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pherbina coryleti GCA_943735915.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Philereme transversata GCA_963924445.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Philereme vetulata GCA_918857605.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Philonthus cognatus GCA_932526585.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Philonthus spinipes GCA_963082785.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Phlogophora meticulosa GCA_905147745.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pholis gunnellus GCA_910591455.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Phorcus lineatus GCA_921293015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Phosphuga atrata GCA_944588485.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Phoxinus phoxinus GCA_949152265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Phragmatobia fuliginosa GCA_932526445.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Phragmites australis GCA_958298935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Phymatocera aterrima GCA_963170745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Phyto melanocephala GCA_941918925.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pieris brassicae GCA_905147105.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pieris napi GCA_905231885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pieris napi GCA_905475465.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pieris rapae GCA_905147795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pilophorus perplexus GCA_955831195.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pipistrellus pipistrellus GCA_903992545.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Plagiodera versicolora GCA_963584125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Planococcus citri GCA_950023065.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Platycheirus albimanus GCA_916050605.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Platycnemis pennipes GCA_933228895.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Platypus cylindrus GCA_949748235.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Plebejus argus GCA_905404155.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Plemyria rubiginata GCA_963576535.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pleuronectes platessa GCA_947347685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Plusia festucae GCA_950381575.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Plutella xylostella GCA_932276165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pocota personata GCA_963082735.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Podabrus alpinus GCA_932274525.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Poecilobothrus nobilitatus GCA_947095535.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pollenia amentaria GCA_943735925.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pollenia angustigena GCA_930367215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pollenia labialis GCA_949318255.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Polydrusus cervinus GCA_935413205.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Polydrusus tereticollis GCA_963576705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Polydrusus tereticollis GCA_963920685.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Polygonum aviculare GCA_934048045.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Polymixis flavicincta GCA_949987655.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Polymixis lichenea GCA_949091785.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Polyommatus icarus GCA_937595015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Polyploca ridens GCA_951394255.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Populus nigra GCA_951802175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Portevinia maculata GCA_949715645.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Potentilla anserina GCA_933775445.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Potentilla sterilis GCA_963682095.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Primula veris GCA_963682055.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Primula vulgaris GCA_963920805.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Priocnemis perturbator GCA_963942575.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Protocalliphora azurea GCA_932274085.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Protodeltote pygarga GCA_936450705.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Protophormia terraenovae GCA_951394005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pseudoips prasinana GCA_951640165.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Psococerastis gibbosa GCA_963971405.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pterostichus madidus GCA_911728475.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pterostichus niger GCA_947425015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Ptilodon capucinus GCA_914767695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ptychoptera albimana GCA_961205885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ptychoptera contaminata GCA_963942525.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pulicaria dysenterica GCA_947179395.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pycnomerus fuliginosus GCA_963924575.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Pyrausta nigrata GCA_949316185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pyrgus malvae GCA_911387765.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Pyrochroa serraticornis GCA_905333025.2 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Pyrus communis GCA_963583255.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Quercus cerris GCA_963669245.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Quercus robur GCA_932294415.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Raja brachyura GCA_963514005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Rana temporaria GCA_905171775.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Rhagium mordax GCA_963680705.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Rhagonycha fulva GCA_905340355.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Rhagonycha lutea GCA_958510855.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Rhamphomyia laevipes GCA_963920725.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Rhaphigaster nebulosa GCA_948150685.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Rhingia campestris GCA_932526625.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Rhingia rostrata GCA_949824845.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Rhodophaea formosa GCA_963082605.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Rhogogaster chlorosoma GCA_944452935.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Rosa rugosa GCA_958449725.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Rutpela maculata GCA_936432065.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Sacculina carcini GCA_916048095.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Salmo trutta GCA_901001165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps ensembl.org BUSCO
Sarcophaga caerulescens GCA_927399465.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sarcophaga carnaria GCA_958299815.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sarcophaga rosellei GCA_930367235.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sarcophaga subvicina GCA_936449025.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Saturnia pavonia GCA_947532125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Scaeva pyrastri GCA_905146935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Schizotus pectinicornis GCA_951805265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Schrankia costaestrigalis GCA_905475405.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sciurus carolinensis GCA_902686445.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Sciurus vulgaris GCA_902686455.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Scotopteryx bipunctaria GCA_949320045.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Scrobipalpa costella GCA_949820665.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Scutellaria minor GCA_954870855.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Scyliorhinus canicula GCA_902713615.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Seladonia tumulorum GCA_913789895.3 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Selenia dentaria GCA_917880725.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Senecio squalidus GCA_910822075.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sesia apiformis GCA_914767545.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sesia bembeciformis GCA_943735995.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Shargacucullia verbasci GCA_947562105.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Sherardia arvensis GCA_948330725.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sialis fuliginosa GCA_961205875.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sialis lutaria GCA_949319165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sicus ferrugineus GCA_922984085.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Silvanus unidentatus GCA_963930825.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Siphlonurus alternatus GCA_949825025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sisyra nigra GCA_958496155.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sisyra terminalis GCA_958496175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Solanum dulcamara GCA_947179165.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Spergularia marina GCA_963680865.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sphaerophoria taeniata GCA_943590905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sphecodes monilicornis GCA_913789915.3 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Sphenella marginata GCA_951509765.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sphinx pinastri GCA_947568825.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Spilarctia lutea GCA_916048165.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Spilosoma lubricipeda GCA_905220595.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Spisula solida GCA_947247005.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Stelis phaeoptera GCA_943735885.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Stenoptilia bipunctidactyla GCA_944452665.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Sthenelais limicola GCA_942159475.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Stomorhina lunata GCA_933228675.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Stomoxys calcitrans GCA_963082655.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Stratiomys singularior GCA_954870665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Streptopelia turtur GCA_901699155.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Strigamia acuminata GCA_949358305.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Sturmia bella GCA_963662145.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Subacronicta megacephala GCA_958496365.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Suillia variegata GCA_949127995.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Synanthedon andrenaeformis GCA_936446665.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Synanthedon formicaeformis GCA_945859745.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Synanthedon myopaeformis GCA_944738685.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Synanthedon tipuliformis GCA_947623395.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Synanthedon vespiformis GCA_918317495.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Syngnathus acus GCA_901709675.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Syritta pipiens GCA_905187475.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Syrphus vitripennis GCA_958431115.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tachina fera GCA_905220375.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tachina grossa GCA_949987645.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tachina lurida GCA_944452675.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tachinus rufipes GCA_963932245.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tachystola acroxantha GCA_963506565.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Taphrorychus bicolor GCA_951812265.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Taurulus bubalis GCA_910589615.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Teleiodes luculella GCA_948473455.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Telmatherina bonti GCA_933228915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tenthredo distinguenda GCA_947538915.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tenthredo mesomela GCA_943736025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tenthredo notha GCA_914767705.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tethea ocularis GCA_963555595.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tetheella fluctuosa GCA_951216915.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tetragnatha montana GCA_963680715.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Thalpophila matura GCA_948465475.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Thecocarcelia acutangulata GCA_914767995.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Thecophora atra GCA_937620795.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Thera britannica GCA_939531255.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Thera obeliscata GCA_947578465.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Thereva nobilitata GCA_963855945.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tholera decimalis GCA_943138885.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Thumatha senex GCA_948477245.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Thyatira batis GCA_905147785.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Thymelicus acteon GCA_951805285.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Thymelicus sylvestris GCA_911387775.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tiliacea aurago GCA_948098905.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tiliacea citrago GCA_963921375.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Timandra comae GCA_958496195.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tinea pellionella GCA_948150575.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tinea semifulvella GCA_910589645.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tinea trinotella GCA_905220615.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tiphia femorata GCA_944319695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Tipula confusa GCA_963556175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tipula helvola GCA_963556165.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tipula unca GCA_951394425.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tipula vernalis GCA_958295665.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tolmerus cingulatus GCA_959613345.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tortricodes alternella GCA_947859335.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Toxonevra muliebris GCA_963691655.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Tricholauxania praeusta GCA_949775025.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Trifolium dubium GCA_951804385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Trifolium fragiferum GCA_954870985.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Trifolium subterraneum GCA_951799995.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Triglochin maritima GCA_963682175.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Trisateles emortualis GCA_947095525.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org rapid.ensembl.org
Tuberolachnus salignus GCA_956483605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Tyria jacobaeae GCA_947561695.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Udea ferrugalis GCA_950022985.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Umbilicus rupestris GCA_963678935.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Urtica urens GCA_958296335.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Vaccinium vitis-idaea GCA_963854785.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Vanessa atalanta GCA_905147765.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Vanessa cardui GCA_905220365.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Vanessa cardui GCA_905220365.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Venusia cambrica GCA_951394065.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Verbascum thapsus GCA_963669365.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Verbena officinalis GCA_958496215.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Vespa crabro GCA_910589235.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Vespa velutina GCA_912470025.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Vespula germanica GCA_905340365.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Vespula vulgaris GCA_905475345.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Villa cingulata GCA_951394055.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Volucella bombylans GCA_949129095.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Volucella inanis GCA_907269105.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Volucella inflata GCA_928272305.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Watersipora subatra GCA_963576615.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Watsonalla binaria GCA_929442735.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Watsonalla cultraria GCA_964035505.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthia icteritia GCA_949128155.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthia togata GCA_963853775.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthogramma pedissequum GCA_910595825.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthorhoe designata GCA_963582015.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthorhoe spadicearia GCA_947086425.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Xanthostigma xanthostigma GCA_963575645.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xestia ashworthii GCA_950022955.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xestia rhomboidea GCA_963853795.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xestia sexstrigata GCA_941918905.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Xestia xanthographa GCA_905147715.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Xylocampa areola GCA_935421205.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Xylophagus ater GCA_963422695.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Xylota segnis GCA_963583995.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org
Xylota sylvarum GCA_905220385.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Yponomeuta cagnagella GCA_947310995.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Yponomeuta plumbellus GCA_947310845.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Yponomeuta sedellus GCA_934045075.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Ypsolopha scabrella GCA_910592155.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Ypsolopha sequella GCA_934047225.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Zelleria hepariella GCA_949319315.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO
Zeuzera pyrina GCA_907165235.1 BRAKER2 GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org
Zygaena filipendulae GCA_907165275.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps rapid.ensembl.org BUSCO rapid.ensembl.org