European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA): Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE)

European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA): Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE) Logo

The European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA) is a pan-European initiative with the goal of coordinating the generation of high-quality annotated reference genomes for all eukaryotic biodiversity across the Biogeographic and Marine Regions of Europe. ERGA, as the European node of the Earth BioGenome Project (EBP), aims to scale up the production of genome assemblies and annotations that meet the EBP quality standards. This includes ensuring that the data generated by ERGA Core Projects and ERGA Affiliated Projects are made publicly available and adhere to the FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable) and CARE (Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics) principles.

Ensembl is a partner in the ERGA-BGE project, and we annotate the protein-coding and non-coding RNA gene structures using re-engineered versions of our Gene Annotation System (Aken et al, 2017) optimized for vertebrates and for non-vertebrates. When a species lacks transcriptomic data, we run BRAKER2 to generate hint-guided ab initio gene predictions of protein-coding genes in the default protein mode (see the blog post for more information). After QC, genomes and annotations are made available via our FTP site (see table below) before subsequently being made available in the Ensembl Genome Browser.

The Biodiversity Genomics Europe project is funded by Horizon Europe under the Biodiversity, Circular Economy and Environment (REA.B.3); co-funded by the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) under contract number 22.00173; and by the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) under the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy’s Horizon Europe Guarantee Scheme.

Image Species Accession Annotation method Annotation Proteins Transcripts Softmasked genome Repeat library Other data View in browser BUSCO completeness Alternate haplotype
Acomys minous GCA_964271855.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps C:97.7%[S:96.7%,D:1.0%],F:0.5%,M:1.8%,n:13798
Apodemus agrarius GCA_964023405.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Cricetus cricetus GCA_964304595.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps Coming soon! C:97.9%[S:96.8%,D:1.1%],F:0.5%,M:1.6%,n:13798
Malpolon monspessulanus GCA_964265115.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps Coming soon! C:88.4%[S:87.0%,D:1.4%],F:2.2%,M:9.4%,n:7480
Rupicapra rupicapra GCA_963981305.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Valencia hispanica GCA_963556495.2 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps