Canada BioGenome Project

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The Canada BioGenome Project is part of an international consortium—the Earth BioGenome Project—which aims to sequence the genomes of all the eukaryotic biodiversity. Canada possesses significant biodiversity, with ~80,000 plant and animal species in environments ranging from desert to the arctic. Many of these species are under threat due to rapid changes in climate and other human-led impacts on our environment. A common thread across conservation strategies is the need for genomic tools to address knowledge gaps related to species evolution, adaption, viability and genetic diversity. A reference-quality whole genome sequence is the foundation for such genetic analysis and the subsequent development of these management tools.

The Canada BioGenome Project aims to make available 400 high quality reference genomes for Canadian species that represent a diverse domain of life. Through collaborations with species experts and end users, we will ensure that species selected are based on criteria including their need for conservation and remediation, and their economic, Indigenous community, and socio-cultural relevance.

Image Species Accession Annotation method Annotation Proteins Transcripts Softmasked genome Repeat library Other data View in browser BUSCO completeness Alternate haplotype
Antilocapra americana GCA_007570785.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps
Caretta caretta GCA_023653815.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps BUSCO
Chelydra serpentina GCA_037349315.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Chrysemys picta bellii GCA_037349265.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Emys blandingii GCA_036785055.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Eumetopias jubatus GCA_037043125.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Glyptemys insculpta GCA_032172135.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Leptoclinus maculatus GCA_032191485.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps BUSCO
Mactromeris polynyma GCA_032209605.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps BUSCO
Moxostoma hubbsi GCA_032164185.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps BUSCO
Serripes groenlandicus GCA_031761405.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps
Squalus suckleyi GCA_026260435.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA Repeatmodeler FTP dumps BUSCO
Sternotherus odoratus GCA_032164245.1 Ensembl Genebuild GTF, GFF3 FASTA FASTA FASTA FTP dumps